Writing & Lecture File. Offprints and Copy Published Articles by John Saville

Reference No:
U DJS/3/30

Contains material relating to papers and lectures by Saville on the subject of .

Material comprises:

Offprints and copies of the following published articles written by Saville:

1. Staat, Unternehmerschaft und Gewerkschaften in Grossbritannien 1870-1914 (Publications of the German Historical Institute London, Vol.15)

2. A Note on the Present Position of Working-Class History (Yorkshire Bulletin of Economic and Social Research, Vol.4, No.2, Sep 1952)

3. Britain: Internationalism and the Labour Movement Between the Wars (Internationalism in the Labour Movement 1830-1940, 1988)

4. Le Chemin de Marx: Friedrich Engels et le Chartisme (La Novelle Critique No.72, 1956) [French]

5. Speech at the Memorial Meeting for Leslie Morton (20 Mar 1988)

6. University of Hull Inaugural Lecture 'Marxism and History' (UoH, 1974)

7. The Labour Archive at the University of Hull (Philip Larkin Memorial Series No.2)

8. Le radici storiche del riformismo laburista in Inghilterra

9. A Rejoinder to Mr Cole (The Modern Quarterly, vol.2, no.2, Apr 1939)

10. Research Facilities and the Social Historian (The Library Association Record, vol.65, no.9 Sep 1963)

11. Family Settlements and the Rise of Great Estates (The Economic History Review Second Series, vol.xxxiii, no.4, Nov 1980)

12. Internal Migration in England and Wales During the Past Hundred Years (Human Displacements, Measurement Methodological Aspects, May 1962)

13. Henry George and the British Labour Movement (Science and Society, vol.xxiv, no.4, fall 1960)

14. Preface to A Selection of the Social and Political Pamphlets of Annie Besant

15. The Crisis in Labour History: A Further Comment

16. The Radical Left Expects the Past to do its Duty

Note: Artificial file

Archive Item
1 file
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Hull University Archives
Records of John Saville (1916-2009)