File. Boats and Boatmen

Reference No:
U DMS/4/26
21 Apr 1943-21 Apr 1959
File containing extracts from minutes of meetings held by the Missions to Seamen relating to boats and boatmen associated with the society. Includes references to: Dutch tjalk acquired for conversion and use at Europoort; the Stevens-Buckley at Scapa Flow; 'Good Hope' launch brought from Middlesbrough to Port of London 1944; launch of 'Mendell' from Yarmouth to work on the Clyde, 1943; compassionate grant and pension for Mr Brooker at Cowes, late launchman, 1945; sale of motor launch 'Francis Logie-Pirie' at Rochester and purchase of 'Terrier' to be renamed 1946; the launch 'Edith' having been sunk during WWII enemy occupation of Rotterdam and need for replacement; two new engines for the launch 'Mendell' at Southampton 1946; sinking of the launch 'H. Gartside Tipping' at Basra and need to replace it, 1947; donation of £500 from Royal Wedding Presents' Exhibition Fund, 1948, to be used to purchase a new launch (the 'Princess Elizabeth') to replace the 'United Burghs' in the Gareloch; youth rally held 19 Oct 1949, attended by Princess Elizabeth; cinema projector for MFV 125, Nov 1950, and it's renaming as the 'John Ashley, Apr 1951; possible sale of the 'Annie Lancaster' and the 'Sir Edward Cooper', and transfer of the 'Princess Elizabeth' to the Thames as a temporary measure, May 1951; dedication of the 'John Ashley' 25 Jul 1951; need for a launch in Dar-es-Salaam and the possible transfer of the 'Francis Logie Pirie', 1952; 'Princess Elizabeth' to be moved from Glasgow to Southampton, 1952; 'John Ashley' transfer from Cardiff to the Port of London, 1952; 'Princess Elizabeth' in poor condition, 1952; 'Mendell' to remain at Southampton, 'Princess Elizabeth' to be transferred to Yarmouth, 'Logie Pirie' to be transferred to Swansea, 1952; 'Logie Pirie' and 'Princess Elizabeth' to be sold, 1952; 'John Ashley' to represent the Missions to Seamen at the Naval Review at Spithead, 1953; sale of the 'Richard and Annie Davey', 1955; 'John Ashley' centenary fund, 1957; new 'John Ashley' including handing over ceremony, 1957-1958; old 'John Ashley' renamed 'Louisa Williamson', 1958.
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Hull University Archives
Records of the Head Office of the Mission to Seafarers (formerly known as the Missions to Seamen)