Mutual Quitclaim

Reference No:
U DOG/3/1
31 Aug 1629

(i) Thomas Marshall gent.

(ii) George Ogle yeoman

(iii) Peter Rudston yeoman

(iv) John Nicholson yeoman, all of Flamborough and

(v) John Rickby of Bridlington Key yeoman:

(a) to Thomas Marshall and George Ogle: Foxhole Close, 3 Sandy Leas closes, 7 1/2 oxgangs and 8 cottages or tofts

(b) to Thomas Marshall: 2 messuages, 3 cottages, 1 decayed cottage, Fichy Close, 3 oxgangs.

(c) to George Ogle: 3 messuages, croft, 6 decayed cottages, 4 cottages, 7 oxgangs, closes called a South More, Hell Close, Wallworth, and Bracken Close.

(d) to Peter Rudston: 2 messuages, 4« oxgangs, and 4 cottages.

(e) to John Nicholson: messuage, croft and toft and 1 oxgang.

(f) to John Rickby: messuage, croft, East South More close, 4 oxgangs, 4 cottages, and a decayed cottage.

Recites a conveyance of the premises to the parties by Sir William Constable, Sir Francis Wortley, Sir John Fenwicke, Sir Phillip Mouncton and Thomas Appleyard esq. (28 November 1628). Tenants named. Witnessed John Fothergill, Will. Brailford, John Buck, Richard Hicke, Robert Ogle.

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Papers of the Ogle Family of Flamborough