Worksheets of poems and items by Gavin Ewart

Reference No:
U DP163/21
20th cent.


a) 'A Ballad of Mount Aconcagua' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

b) 'A Bit for Byron' (ms. and carbon copy)

c) 'A Cry from the Coven' (ts.)

d) 'A Death in Prose' (tss.) (2)

e) 'A Georgian Poem Dedicated to the Proposition that Too Much Preoccupation with the English Countryside can Encourage Political Parties Supporting Chauvinism, Fake Patriotism and Racial Discrimination' (carbon copy)

f) 'A grandfather?' (ms.)

g) 'A Hesitant Approach to Poetic Glory' (ts.)

h) 'A Hymn Sung by Some Very Old Churchgoing Men in a Novel by William Trevor' (carbon copy)

i) 'A Lady's Love Song' (ms. and carbon copy)

j) 'A Lawyer Speaks' (carbon copy)

k) 'A Line of Hard Porn to Confound Mrs. W.' (ms.) and 'Music for Typing to' (ms.)

l) 'A Lyric of Love' (ms. and print)

m) 'A Man of Sorrows' (ms.)

n) 'A Metaphor for George MacBeth' (ts.)

o) 'A Music Lover' (ms.)

p) 'A Mystery' (carbon copy)

q) 'A Novel Begins' (ms.)

r) 'A Pious Hope' (ts. and carbon)

s) 'A Poet Laureate Lies Dying in the Duke's Head Hotel, King's Lynn' (ms. and ts.)

t) 'A Point of View' (ms. and ts.) u) 'A Representative Anthology' (ms. and carbon copy)

v) 'A Rough Ballad of Old Chicago (ms. and print)

w) 'A Small McGonagellesque Panegyric on Part of the Glasgow Underground' (ms., tss. [2] and carbon copies [2])

x) 'A Song of Love' (ts. and carbon copy)

y) 'A Song of Sophisticated Women' (carbon copy)

z) 'A Traditional Complaint' (ms.)

aa) 'A Wee Pseudo-Scots Work Song' (ts.)

ab) 'A West Country Hotel' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

ac) 'A Wordsworthian Self-Apostrophe from the Fourth Floor of the Hotel Admiral (Copenhagen) (ms. and carbon copy)

ad) 'An Archaeologist' (carbon copy)

ae) 'An Elegy' (carbon copy)

af) 'An Emancipated Woman Addresses the Penis' (ts. and carbon copy)

ag) 'An Exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci's Anatomical Drawings' (carbon copy)

ah) 'An Ideal World' (ts. and carbon copy)

ai) 'An Old Eskimo Monk Fucks a Nun and Finds God' (carbon copy)

aj) 'An Old Man's Reading' (ms.)

ak) 'An Old Song Renewed' (ms.)

al) 'Academic Festival Overture' (ms.), 'The Little Girl Writes a Sonnet about a Dead Cat (ms.), 'Sex in the 1880's' (ms.) and 'Seen at the Station' (ms.)

am) 'Acts of Love' (ms.)

an) 'Aliens' (ms. and carbon copy)

ao) 'All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter Here' (ts. and carbon copy)

ap) 'Ambition' (ts.)

aq) 'And Justifies the Ways of God to Men' (ts. and carbon copy)

ar) 'Animal Clerihews' (ms.)

as) 'Apocalypse (ts. and carbon copy)

at) 'Appeal to a Cricketing Publisher' (carbon copies) (2)

au) 'Aros Castle' (ms.)

av) 'As We That are Left Grow Old' (ts.)

aw) 'Ascension Day' (carbon copy)

ax) 'At the Highest Level' (carbon copy)

ay) 'At the Party' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

az) 'Attached' (ts.)

ba) Autotelic Poem' (carbon copy)

bb) 'Autumn Grasshopper' (carbon copy)

bc) 'Back from the Poetic Festival' (ms.)

bd) 'Bad Light Stopped Play' (ms. and carbon copy)

be) 'Baroque Anachronistic Victorian Fantasy: Mrs. to Mr.' (ts. and carbon copy)

bf) 'Be A Wolf!' (ts.)

bg) 'Begone, Begonia!' (ts.)

bh) 'Beryl's Poem' (ms.)

bi) 'Beryl's Second Poem (and Trevor's Second)' (ms. and carbon copy)

bj) 'Both Waving and Drowning' (ms.)

bk) 'Brilliant Spy and Totally Inadequate Man' (carbon copy)

bl) 'British Guiana' (ms.)

bm) 'Burns Night' (ts.)

bn) 'Changing Style' (ts. and carbon copy)

bo) 'Children of the Mind' (ts.)

bp) 'Chocolate Pudding with Chocolate Sauce' (ms. and carbon copy)

bq) 'Christian Names' (carbon copy)

br) 'Christmas 1980' (ms. and carbon copies) (2)

bs) 'Clearing the Desk' (carbon copy)

bt) 'Commonwealth Poetry Prize' (ts.)

bu) 'Conventional' (ts.)

bv) 'Conversation in the Thirties' (ts.)

bw) 'Conversation Piece' (carbon copy)

bx) 'Coriolanus' (ts. and carbon copies) (2)

by) 'Cottage Industry (A Disseration)' (ms. and ts.)

bz) 'Crimewriter's Lament' (ms.)

ca) 'Criminals' (ms. and carbon copy)

cb) 'Crying out before you're hurt' (carbon copy)

cc) 'Danish Bacon' (ms. and ts.)

cd) 'Darby to Joan. (The Old Man to his Wife)' (ms.)

ce) 'Darwinian. (The Choice of a Mate)' (carbon copy)

cf) 'Declared of Public Interest' (ms., carbon copy and press cutting)

cg) 'Dedicating to a Bus to Peter Porter on the Way to Catch The Flying Scotsman' ts. and carbon copy)

ch) 'D.H. Lawood' (carbon copy)

ci) 'Distinguished Ancestry' (carbon copy)

cj) 'Disturbing Scenes' (ms. carbon copies [2])

ck) 'Doggerel' (ts. and carbon copy)

cl) 'Double Haiku: The Imagined Past' (ts.)

cm) 'Double Poem' (ms., ts. and carbon copies [2])

cn) 'Down There on a Visit' (carbon copy)

co) 'Drinker to Lover, Drunkard to Lecher' (carbon copies) (2)

cp) 'Drinking Song' (tss [2] and carbon copies [2])

cq) 'Edward Burra' (carbon copy)

cr) 'England Beat India by an Innings and 83 Runs' (ms.)

cs) 'Euphemism' (ms. and carbon copy)

ct) 'Evening Classes' (ts.)

cu) 'Everyday Verse' (ts. and carbon copy)

cv) 'Ewart' (carbon copy)

cw) 'Exploring the Stereotypes' (ms.)

cx) 'Exits' (carbon copy)

cy) 'Fasbaender's Fox' (carbon copy)

cz) 'Fiction: Dangerous Games' (ts.)

da) 'Fiction: Piglemon' (ts.)

db) '1st January 1980' (ts. and carbon copies) (3)

dc) 'For Felicity Hemans (But Not David Holbrook)' (ms.)

dd) 'For Matthew Prior' (ms)

de) 'Freelance Writer' (ts.)

df) 'Gareth Edwards' (carbon copy)

dg) 'Geoffrey' (carbon copy)

dh) 'Gods and Heroes' (carbon copy)

di) 'Going Metric' (ts. and carbon copy)

dj) 'Going Overboard' (ms. and carbon copy)

dk) 'Grave Thoughts at the Dentist (ts. and carbon copy)

dl) 'Gunn and Hughes' (carbon copy)

dm) 'Haiku: A Little Book-reviewing Squirt Answers Back' (ms.) and Sonnet: 'A Book Review of Peter Porter (ms.)

dn) 'Haiku For Leslie Richardson (ms.) and 'Conversation with a Friend in Cambridge' (ms.)

do) 'Haiku: God' (ms.) and 'The Games People Play' (ms.)

dp) 'Happy - Go - Lucky' (ts. and carbon copy)

dq) 'Hardyesque' (carbon copy)

dr) 'Hennet: The Bad Blood of the Bennets' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

ds) 'Hereward the Weak' (ts.)

dt) 'How to Write a Kipling Short Story' (ts.)

du) 'How to Write a Thriller' (ts.)

dv) 'Humanity' (ms.) dw) 'Hymn' (ts.)

dx) 'Idiots' (ms.)

dy) 'If Only You Were nice' (carbon copy)

dz) 'In a Travelling Country' (carbon copy)

ea) 'In Another Country' (carbon copy)

eb) 'In Memoriam' (ms. and carbon copy)

ec) 'In the Days when Murder was the Only Solution' (ts.)

ed) 'Infatuations' (carbon copies) (2)

ee) 'In Translation' (ms. and carbon copy)

ef) 'Irish Jig-a-Jig' (carbon copy)

eg) 'Is This a Poem? Some Would Say: Yes!' (carbon copy)

eh) 'Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby' (ts. and carbon)

ei) 'Ism' (carbon copy)

ej) 'Italy' (ts.)

ek) 'It's a Bad Line' (ts. and carbon copy)

el) 'It's a Narrow Range' (carbon copy)

em) 'July 1981' (ms.), 'An Old Testament Fellow' (ms.) and 'Giancarlo Menotti (ms.)

en) 'Junkie' (carbon copy)

eo) 'Just' (tss. [2] and carbon copy)

ep) 'Kensington, 1900's' (ts.)

eq) 'Learning and Beauty' (carbon copy)

er) 'Legendary' (carbon copy)

es) 'Lieder' (carbon copy)

et) 'Light Verse of a Lunatic' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

eu) 'Limericks' (ms.)

ev) 'Lines on the Death of Pope Paul VI by E.J. Thribb (17) (carbon copy)

ew) 'Lines Written in Rejection' (ts.)

ex) 'Living With a Boy' (ms. and carbon copy)

ey) 'Love Difficulties' (ts.)

ez) 'Love is a Nonsense' (ts.)

fa) 'Love Poetry' (carbon copy)

fb) 'Love Song of the KGB' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

fc) 'Lover's Complaint' (ts. and carbon copy)

fd) 'Low Spirits' (carbon copy)

fe) 'Lully' (carbon copy)

ff) 'Making Mannheim Music' (tss.) (2)

fg) 'Margo's War' (ms. and carbon copy)

fh) 'Metaphysical' (carbon copy)

fi) 'Missing' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

fj) 'Misunderstandings' (carbon copy)

fk) 'Mock Christmas Carol' (ts. and carbon copy)

fl) 'Mock Restoration' (ms. and carbon copies [2])

fm) 'Mr. Blackwell' (ts.)

fn) 'Mr. W.S.' (carbon copy)

fo) 'Mrs. Shakespeare' (ms.)

fp) 'Musicals of the Twenties and Thirties, (Coward, Novello, Buchanan) (ts. and carbon copy)

fq) 'My Favourite After-Life' (carbon copy)

fr) 'My Royal Families' (ts. and carbon copy)

fs) 'Nam was Cowed, his Tool had become his Master' (ts.)

ft) 'News Items for Literature Children' (carbon copy)

fu) 'Newspaper Valentines' (carbon copy)

fv) 'North Love' (carbon copy)

fw) 'Not Quite Cricket' (ms. and carbon copy)

fx) 'Not Wavell But Browning' (carbon copy)

fy) 'Nothing Changes' (carbon copy)

fz) 'Noun for Verb' (ms. and carbon copy)

ga) 'On Being Asked by My Daughter to Lend Her My Father's Leather Motoring coat of 1930' (ms. and carbon copy)

gb) 'On Being Told By A Distinguished Poet that He Never Enters For Poetry Competitions Because He Is Depressed By Never Winning a Prize' (ts. and carbon copy)

gc) 'On Hearing Somebody say "Graves is going ga-ga" in October 1974' (carbon copy)

gd) 'On the Richmond bus' (ts.)

ge) 'Over - Exposure' (ts.)

gf) 'Partial Attraction, Total Acceptance' (carbon copy)

gg) 'Pepys into the Past (ms. and carbon copy) and 'The Serving Soldier' (ms.)

gh) 'Persuading Her to Come' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

gi) 'Photographs' (ts. and carbon copy)

gj) 'Poetic Character' (ts. and carbon copy)

gk) '"Poetry is not a Competition"' (ts. and carbon copy)

gl) 'Poor Wounded Names' (see hh) (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

gm) 'Pop Music' (ts.)

gn) Prose Sonnet: 'A Man's World' (ts.)

go) 'Psalm: Liberation' (ts.)

gp) 'Psychopompous Prosings' (ts.)

gq) 'Pterodactylic: Winged Words' (ts.)

gr) 'Resolution on Saturn' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

gs) 'Rhetoric: Arguing with Popular Poems' (carbon copy)

gt) 'Rhetoric: Men Love Gardens' (ts.)

gu) 'Rocker' (ms.), 'Earthly Powers' (ms.)

gv) 'Rollo St. Clair Tallboys' (carbon copy)

gw) 'Romantic Song' (ts.)

gx) 'Romeo and Juliet' (carbon copy)

gy) 'Russian Billiards' (ts. and carbon copy)

gz) 'Rydal Mount' (ms.)

ha) 'St. Mary-le-Bow' (ms.) and 'With the Birds' (ms.)

hb) 'See if I Care' (ts.)

hc) 'Selling Platers' (ms.) and 'We're Rape and Pillage and Loot' (ms.)

hd) 'Sex 'n' Violence' (ms. and carbon copy)

he) 'Sexpride' (carbon copy)

hf) 'Sheep' (ms., tss. [2] and carbon copies [2])

hg) 'Sir Wilf' (ts.)

hh) 'Sisterhood' (ms.) and 'Poor Wounded Names!' (ms.)

hi) 'Six Cricket Limericks' (ts. and carbon copy)

hj) 'Sleeping Alone in a Double Room in the Swan Hotel, Streatley' (carbon copy)

hk) 'Slogan for Large Walls' (carbon copy) hl) 'Soldiers' (carbon copy)

hm) 'Song' (carbon copy) hn) Sonnet: 'A Voice from the Piggeries' (ms. and carbon copy)

ho) Sonnet: 'Against Expectation' (ts.)

hp) Sonnet: 'An Instinct' (ts. and carbon copy)

hq) Sonnet: 'Comics' (carbon copy)

hr) Sonnet: 'Culture' (ms. and carbon copy)

hs) Sonnet: 'Fame and Fortune' (ts.)

ht) Sonnet: 'Heavens' (carbon copy)

hu) Sonnet: 'Mary Rose' (ts. and carbon copy)

hv) Sonnet: 'Mortality' (ms. and carbon copy)

hw) Sonnet: 'Obituaries' (ms. and carbon copy)

hx) Sonnet: 'Only Pretending' (ts.)

hy) Sonnet: 'Playing for Time' (ms.)

hz) Sonnet: 'Presageth Snow' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

ia) Sonnet: 'Regional Loyalties' (ts. and carbon copy)

ib) Sonnet: 'Sexism' (ts.) ic) Sonnet: 'The Best Death' (ms. and carbon copy)

id) Sonnet: 'The Carpet' (ms.)

ie) Sonnet: '"The Fascination of What's Difficult"' (carbon copy)

if) Sonnet: 'The Right Way to Die' (tss. [2] and carbon copy). With brief biography (ts.)

ig) Sonnet: 'Truth and Fiction' (ts.)

ih) 'Sons' (carbon copy)

ii) 'Sons and Lovers: Part One' (ms. and carbon copy)

ij) 'Specimen Days in America' (carbon copy)

ik) 'Spring Song' (ms.)

il) 'Stately Homes (Baroque) (carbon copy)

im) 'Stress' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

in) 'Suburban Uncertainties' (ts.)

io) 'Sung to a Child' (ms. and carbon copy)

ip) 'Tantalus' (ts.)

iq) 'Teachers' (ts.)

ir) 'Thatcher' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

is) 'The Age - Old Theme of Age' (carbon copy)

it) 'The Amazing Stories' (carbon copy)

iu) 'The Anger of the Ice-Axe' (ts.)

iv) 'The Apostle to the Philistines' (ts.)

iw) 'The Auden Lyric' (ts. and carbon copy)

ix) 'The Beginning of a Poem that a Young North Country Factory Worker can Understand' (ms.) and Sonnet: 'A Dream in Summer, 1981' (ms.)

iy) 'The Beginning of a "My Funny Old Grandfather" Poem' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

iz) 'The Believers' (carbon copy)

ja) 'The Biter Bit' (ms.)

jb) 'The Boxer to his Girl' (ts.)

jc) 'The Browning Version' (photocopy of ts.)

jd) 'The Centre Cannot Hold' (ts.)

je) 'The Chooser's View' (carbon copy)

jf) 'The Class Struggle, 1914 - 1918' (ts.)

jg) 'The Classical Sonnet' (ts.)

jh) '"The Clothes You're Wearing Are the Clothes you Wore"' (ts.)

ji) 'The Colour Bar in Cater's' (ms.) and 'A New Discovery' (ms.)

jj) 'The Comedy of Discomfiture' (ms.) and 'A Possible Line of Dr. Samuel Johnson' (ms.)

jk) 'The Cornish Experience' (ts.)

jl) 'The Crimewriter's Lament' (ts. and carbon copy)

jm) 'The Cryptic Shape of Things to Come' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

jn) 'The Damned' (ts.)

jo) 'The Days' (ms.) and 'Clerihew, Bishop Montefiore' (ms.)

jp) '"The Defeated Husband"' (carbon copy)

jq) '"The Despairing Yell of the Tortured Iguanodon"' (ts.)

jr) 'The Devil Sings a Spiritual' (ms.) and 'A Possible Line of Peter Redgrove' (ms.)

js) 'The Duchess of Malfi (1614)' (ts.)

jt) 'The Excuse for Not Writing' (ts. and carbon copy)

ju) 'The Face of Battle' (carbon copy)

jv) 'The Future of An Illusion' (ts. and carbon copy)

jw) 'The God's - Eye View' (carbon copy)

jx) 'The Great' (carbon copy)

jy) 'The Great American Super Haiku (29)' (carbon copy)

jz) 'The House is Cold' (ts. and carbon copy)

ka) 'The Interface' (carbon copy)

kb) 'The Invitation' (carbon copy)

kc) 'The Knightly Scene' (photocopy of ts.)

kd) 'The Last Days of the Literate' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

ke) 'The Late Eighties' (carbon copy)

kf) 'The Laureate Doggerel' (ts. and carbon copy)

kg) 'The Legend' (carbon copy)

kh) 'The Lesbian Lyric' (carbon copy)

ki) 'The Lions' (carbon copy)

kj) 'The Long Sentence' (carbon copy)

kk) 'The Ludicrousness of Love' (ts. and carbon copy)

kl) 'The Mad Woman in the High Street' (ms.) and 'European Poetry' (ms.)

km) 'The Man with a Glass in his Hand' (ts. and carbon copy)

kn) 'The Marvellous Writer' (ms. and carbon copy)

ko) 'The Metaphysicals' (ts. and carbon copy)

kp) 'The Moral Meanings (carbon copy)

kq) 'The Most Famous Poem of J. Strugnell' (ms.)

kr) 'The Murder of Queen Min (Death is a Goon Show) (ts.)

ks) 'The New Elizabethan Love Song' (ts. and carbon copy)

kt) 'The Night - Rider' (carbon copy)

ku) 'The "O" Level Complaint' (carbon copy)

kv) 'The Old Man Sings' (ts.)

kw) 'The Page' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

kx) 'The Photographers' (carbon copy)

ky) 'The Photographs' (carbon copy)

kz) 'The Playboy Shakespeare Sonnet' (ms.)

la) 'The Private Parts of Speech' (carbon copy)

lb) 'The Projects' (ts.)

lc) 'The Puritans' (carbon copy)

ld) 'The Putney Sect' (ts.)

le) 'The Quarrel' (carbon copy)

lf) The Real Dream' (carbon copy)

lg) 'The Rights of Man' (carbon copy)

lh) ' The Rooms with Beds' (ts.)

li) 'The Royal Wedding' (ms. and ts.)

lj) 'The Sad American Poem' (ts.)

lk) 'The Serving Soldier' (carbon copy)

ll) 'The Sex - Orchids' (carbon copy)

lm) 'The Sexual Sigh' (carbon copy)

ln) 'The Shower at Totleigh Barton' (ms.)

lm) 'The Joys of Surgery' (ms.)

lo) 'The Son of a Serving Soldier' (ts.)

lp) 'The Song of the Two Cockney Giants, Gog and Magog, and the Fairy Princess' (tss. [2] and carbon copy)

lq) 'The Song of the Village Idiot' (ts. and carbon copy)

lr) 'The Sweet Life with Angostura Bitters' (ms. ts. and carbon copy)

ls) 'The 10,000 Metres' (ms. ts. and carbon copy)

lt) 'The Thirties' (ts.)

lu) 'The Time I've Lost With Students' (carbon copy)

lv) 'The Tired Child's Poem' (carbon copy)

lw) 'The Twa Twinkies' (ms. and carbon copy)

lx) 'The Victoria Marital Murders' (ms.)

ly) 'The Vigorous Eclecticism of Albert Ashtray' (ts. and carbon copy)

lz) 'The Voice of a Civilized Woman (ts. and carbon copy)

ma) 'The West Indians' (ts.)

mb) 'The Wind in the Willows' (ms.)

mc) 'The Women of Forty' (ts.)

md) '"That's a Very Peculiar Poem", said Alice' (carbon copy)

me) 'There's Nothing Like Youth (ms., ts. and cc. (2))

mf) 'They' (ts. and cc.)

mg) 'Those To Whom Evil Is Done Do Evil In Return' (carbon copy)

mh) 'Thoughts on the Death of Guy Burgess' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

mi) 'Three Occupations of Lunatics' (carbon copy)

mj) 'Three Rivals' (ms. and carbon copy)

mk) 'Thy Wimbledon, on Earth as it is in Heaven, on Grass as it is on Clay'

ml) 'To John Keats, Existing in the Form of a Book, at the York Festival, June 1976' (ts.)

mm) 'To Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, on her 80th Birthday' (ms.)

mn) 'Totleigh Barton' (carbon copy)

mo) 'Towards a Redgrove Reader' (ts.)

mp) 'Traditional' (carbon copy)

mq) 'Traditional: Nuisance Value' (ms. and carbon copy)

mr) 'Travel Broadens' (ts. and carbon copy)

ms) 'Tria: The Trinity Welcome the Magdelens to Heaven' (carbon copy)

mt) 'Turkish Delight' (ts.)

mu) 'Two Peers Talking' (ts. and carbon copy)

mv) 'Two Propositions' (ms.)

mw) 'Two Shorties' (ts.)

mx) 'Two Sides of the Coin' (ms. and carbon copy)

my) 'Underwear Girl' (ts. and carbon copy)

mz) 'Unlove Song' (ts.)

na) 'Variation on Bits of Auden' (ms.)

nb) 'Victor 20/9/77' (carbon copy)

nc) 'Victor Frankenstein Thinks of Elizabeth' (carbon copy)

nd) 'Victorian Irritation' (ms. and carbon copy)

ne) 'Violent Passions' (ms.)

nf) 'Vissi D'Arte, Vissi D'Amore' (ts. and carbon copy)

ng) 'Warts and All' (ts.)

nh) 'We askes him a few questions which we thought it might amuse him to answer' (carbon copy)

ni) We Live in a Real World, where Bad Things Happen' (ts. and carbon copy)

nj) 'What Degrades Women?' (carbon copy)

nk) 'What Makes the Middle Class so Happy' (ts.)

nl) 'What the Girl Said in the Pornographic Book' (ts. and carbon copy)

nm) 'What the Public Wants' (carbon copy)

nn) '"What Was All The Fun For"' (carbon copy)

no) 'White Christmas' (ts. and carbon copy)

np) 'With the Birds' (carbon copy)

nq) 'With Bitterness and Sadness from the British Emotional Left' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

nr) 'Women and Children First' (carbon copy)

ns) 'World Service Request Programme' (ms. and carbon copy)

nt) 'Writing It Out' (ms., ts. and carbon copy)

nu) 'You are the One' (photocopy of ts.)

nv) '"You've made my life so glamorous, Yo' cain't blame me fo' feelin amorous"'

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Hull University Archives
Papers of Gavin Ewart