York Theatre Royal Circuit Accounts

Reference No:
U DP208/1
21 Jul 1828-30 Jun 1829

Accounts of income and expenditure.

Entries for each week (representing a series of performances at one of the theatres in the circuit) across a double page.

On the left-hand page, income (Dr), including the following information:

Place, event (eg York assizes, Doncaster Races), date, name of play or other feature (usually two or more per programme), total receipts.

On the right hand page, expenses (Cr), including entries for:

salaries, sums to individuals for their 'share of benefit' [income above £12 or £20 divided] or for their 'ticket night' [half of the ticket receipts]; printing, advertising and bill-posting; cleaning, washing, candles and other lighting, music, costumes, fabrics, properties (props) and other items purchased; fees for actors and actresses, singers or extra members of the band or orchestra (ie those extra to the company); labourers, painters, carpenters, bricklayers and other craftsmen, carriage and portering, supernumeraires; doorkeepers, moneytakers, billers and constables; and other incidental items.

weekly and cumulative totals for income and expenditure appear at the end of each page.

At the end of the final entry, for 30th June 1829 is a note of the balance carried over to the next volume, commencing 1st July 1829; followed by a list of bills unpaid in Hull and York.

The York Theatre Circuit at this time covered Doncaster, Hull, Leeds, Wakefield and York.

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Hull University Archives
York Theatre Royal accounts