Defeasance of a Statute Merchant, of the same date, in £400, by which Thomas York of Ashbe besyde Tempylbrewer, co. Lincs., esq. is bound to John Pykkerd of Gysburne in Cleyfland merchant

Reference No:
U DPE/6/4
23 Sep 1544

Conditional on:

(i) T.Y. to make an estate in fee simple to J.P. before the ensuing Christmas, in the manor of, and property in, Normanby, as DPE/6/2 (in holding of Henry Haddyson yeoman, Richard Man, William Man, Robert Man, Thomas Blakewell, & William Jakson husbandman, William Sowlley, John Hewetson & John Jonson labourers)

(ii) Sir Symond Harcourte of Sowthelye co. Oxon. & his wife Dame Elysabeth, mother of T.Y., to quitclaim the premises to J.P. before ensuing Easter.

(iii) T.Y. to hand over all deeds relating to the premises.

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Papers of the Pennyman Family (incorporating the Addison and Consett Families) of Ormesby