Ms. pages torn from poetry workbook no.1

Reference No:
U DPL/2/1/1/14
8 Jan 1945-18 Nov 1949


a) Ms. drafts of the poem 'On being twenty-six', no date (2pp./1-2)

b) Ms. draft fragment of a poem beginning "Once I believed in you", no date (1p./3)

c) Continuation of ms. drafts of the poem 'On being twenty-six', no date (4pp./4-7)

d) Ms. drafts of a poem beginning "Her voice will remain" (1p./8)

e) Continuation of ms. drafts of the poem 'On being twenty-six', no date (2pp./9-10)

f) Ms. drafts of a poem beginning "Once I believed in you", 1 May 1949 (1p./11)

g) Continuation of drafts of the poem 'On being twenty-six', no date (1p./12)

h) Ms. draft fragments of two poems. The first begins "The hearts of flowers logically disrupt". The second begins "At any moment, states", possibly titled 'Think to recall'. 9 May 1949 (1p./13)

i) Ms. draft of a poem beginning "And yet - but after death there's no 'and yet'", no date (1p./14)

j) Ms. draft of a poem beginning "Now, without defences", 26 January 1949 (6pp./15-20)

k) Ms. draft fragments of two poems. The first begins "What children must learn". The second begins "I am washed upon a rock". No date (1p./21)

l) Ms. draft of the poem 'To patients', 22 March 1949 (1p./22)

m) Ms. drafts of two poems. The first beginning "To put one brick upon another" and the second beginning "Out of this life a bird sings". 22 & 24 March 1949 (1p./23)

n) Ms. draft fragments of two poems. The first is titled '[Lines] After [Brooke]', no date. The second is titled 'Crewe', 18 November 1949. Alongside the title is written '[?] by RBM' (1p./24) [originally p. 37 in Workbook 1]

o) Ms. draft fragments of two poems. The first begins "Why should there be such crying at the heart". The second begins "I had forgotten, what the wind teaches". No date (2pp./25-26) [originally pp. 38-39 in Workbook 1]

p) Ms. drafts of two poems. The first begins "Snow has brought the winter to my door", 8 January 1945. The second is titled 'My father', 13 January 1945 (1p./27)

q) Ms. draft fragment of a poem beginning "Our strings have broken in the frost", no date (1p./28) [originally p. 53 in Workbook 1]

r) Ms. draft of a short script/scene titled 'Revolt of the Minstrels', no date (7pp./29-35)

s) Ms. draft of a poem beginning "So, if I call you love, I do not blind you", no date. Signed J [Paller] (1p./36) [originally p. 68 in Workbook 1]

t) Ms. draft of a poem beginning "When trees are quiet, there will be no more weeping", 22 & 24 July 1948 (1p./37)

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