File. Road Safety - Reports and Correspondence

Reference No:
U DPO/10/1585
Includes correspondence relating to the Drivers Eye Register with Motor Vision advertising leaflets; extracts of ACPO Traffic Committee minutes relating to National Road Safety Initiatives with a related paper submitted to the ACPO Traffic Committee (1996); a copy of written evidence submitted by ACPO to the European Communities Committee (Sub-Committee B) relating to road safety; a copy of the Select Committee on European Legislation report 'The United Kingdom and the Community: Who Makes the Law on Road Safety?' (1995); a copy of the Select Committee on the European Communities report 'Road Safety in the Community' (1990); correspondence relating to road safety code of good practice; extracts of ACPO Traffic Committee minutes relating to dummy police vehicles; agenda and papers of the Road Pricing Working Party (28 Jun 1999); correspondence relating to the Victoria Road Safety Initiative seminar, with a copy of a powerpoint presentation entitled 'Safety First & Future Directions' by Geoff Cliffe, Denis Hall and John G. Bodinnar (1997); correspondence and safety leaflets relating to safe routes to schools; correspondence relating to the Department of Transport consultation paper 'Targeting the Future: Saving Lives' with a copy of the report; correspondence relating to school crossing patrols, motor cycle news 'Think Bike' leaflet initiative, national road safety strategy workshops, and National Courtesy Day; a copy of a report entitled 'Road Casualty Reduction 2000: South East Region Report 1994', and a copy of an Institute of Logistics and Transport report 'Opening the Stable Door?: response to the Government Bus Policy Consultation 'From Workhorse to Thoroughbred'' (Jul 1999) with related correspondence.
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Hull University Archives
Records of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)