File. Events on the Highway Policy

Reference No:
U DPO/10/1608
Includes copies of The Cycle Racing on Highways Regulations (1960) and the Road Traffic Regulation (Special events) Act 1994; correspondence relating to guidance on police and organisers relating to events on highways; copies of the Durham Constabulary report 'Triathlon and Biathlon Events Working Group Final Report' (Jun 1990) and interim report (Apr 1990); notes and extracts from ACPO Traffic Committee minutes relating to events on highways; minutes of a meeting between the ACPO Triathlon/Biathlon Working Group and Associated Sports Bodies (20 Jun 1990); a copy of the British Triathlon Association constitution; a copy of a report submitted to the ACPO Traffic Committee entitled 'Events on the Highway', and a copy of the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Operations Division Traffic Branch 'Carnival Processions Force Policy' (1995).
Archive Item
1 file
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This file featured items which contain personal sensitive information. These have been removed from the main file and are not available for public inspection until Jan 2066 and Jan 2072 respectively. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to these items please contact Access to the remainder of the file will be granted to any accredited reader.
Hull University Archives
Records of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)