File. DNA Issues

Reference No:
U DPO/10/1685
Includes correspondence relating to forensic exhibits precautions to avoid contamination, good practice guidelines for taking action in respect of identification from DNA, fingerprints and SICAR with a copy of the guidelines, DNA sampling in cases of suicide, the National DNA Database, DNA sampling of prisoners, DNA mass screening, and the International DNA Database for Paedophiles; extracts from ACPO committee minutes relating to DNA issues; a Home Office circular relating to The Criminal Evidence (Amendment) Act 1997; minutes of the National DNA Database User Group (16 Jul 1996); a copy of a joint ACPO and Forensic Science Service report entitled 'The National DNA Database: memorandum of understanding' (1995), and copies of ACPO reports entitled 'A DNA Database: (1) Report' (1994), 'A DNA Database: (2) The Police User Requirement' (1994), and 'A DNA Database: (3) Business Case' (1994).
Archive Item
1 file
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This file featured items which contain personal sensitive information. These have been removed from the main file and are not available for public inspection until Jan 2072. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to these items please contact Access to the remainder of the file will be granted to any accredited reader.
Hull University Archives
Records of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)