Copy. Deed of Partition between John Coppinger of Lincolns Inn, gent. and wife Katherine, Cornelius Burgh esq., a Chancery cursitor and wife Elizabeth and Timothy Foord of Scarborough, gent. and wife Ann ( the wives being sisters and co heirs of Tristram Fish of Scarborough, esq., dec'd)

Reference No:
U DRA/1243
18 Nov 1742
Manor of Coniston, par. Swine with the manor house and 7 ac. 1 ac. in Sutton Ings. Messuage and 6 ac. meadow, 3 closes ( 3 ac.) and 18 oxgangs (270 ac.) in Coniston. Northfield Close (20 ac.) in Ellerby. Messuage, malt kiln and garth, without Newborough Gates ; close called Long Farthings,(5 ac. Wrea Lane West) and close (2 ac.) adjoining the common in Scarborough. 3 closes in Falsgrave. Messuage, 3 closes and 2 closes called the Awdills in Owstsick. Preston Farm with 18 ac. ; messuage and garth (3 ac.) messuage and Railcliffe Garth (2 ac.) ; Wadworth Close (5 ac.) ; cottage and Slater Garth (3 stengs) ; Frank Garth (3 stengs) ; 4 leys meadow (1 1/2 ac.) and 18 1/2 ac. in the South Enam Field called Meadow Enams ; 14 1/2 ac. 1 steng in the North Enam Field called Pasture Enams ; 10 oxgangs (145 ac. 10 stengs) in the North and South Fields in Owthorne. East Egrom (2 ac.) and West Egram in Withernesey. Specified lands in Sunthorpe alias Swinthorpe, par. Kilnsea, and Kilnsea. Wrea pasture (11 ac.), closes (11 ac.) called Long Carr, Little Close, Beck Close and the Stripe ; and 3 closes meadow (18 ac. Sandy Bed Lane South) in Falsgrave. Close in the Common, close in Green Gate and 2 closes near Weapness Gate in Scarborough. Closes and New Close in Scalby Hays in Scalby. Mill, cottage and lands as DRA/1236 and Ash Close as DRA/1242, Calf Close and Stock Mill Holme in Little Kelk. The Long Room on the West side of Long Room Street, formerly St. Nicholas Street and Cliff Close and a little messuage opposite the Long Room ; cliff and stable ; New Inn in High Street called Newborough ; stables in Turner Street ; Brick Garth ; messuage without Newbrough Gates in Scarborough
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