
Reference No:
U DRA/343
7-25 Nov 1631

a) Bargain and Sale: for £55. John Constable of Wasson, gent. and wife Marie to Thomas Welburne of Muston, yeoman: messuage, garth and closes ( Carr Lane South) and another messuage, garth and close at Strate End, in Muston: Power of attorney to Robert Lowson of Muston and Christopher Warriner of Wassand yeomen to deliver seisin. Witn. Willm. Taite, George Welborne, Christopher Warriner, Robart Rickman, George Besswicke, 7 Nov 1631

Endorsement of livery of seisin. Witn. Robert Winteringham, Thomas Lounsbrough, Francis Welborne, Robert Rickman. 17 Nov 1631

And with a memorandum relating to the state of the premises in 1680

b) Bargain and Sale for £5: Parties as a): cottage and garth in Muston ( Straight End South): Witn. George Beswick of Righton, Christopher Warriner. 23 Nov 1631

Endorsement of livery seisin. Witn. Christopher Holmes, John and Robt. Welburne, Robt. Winteringham, George Besswicke, - Johnson, 25 Nov 1631

c) Bond for performance of covenants of b). 23 Nov 1631

d) Feoffment. Parties and property as a). 23 Nov 1631

e) Quitclaim. Parties and property as a). 10 Nov 1631

f) Bond for performance of covenants of a). 7 Nov 1631

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