Probate Copy. Will of Sir Thomas Strickland of Boynton. To be buried in Boynton Church near wife

Reference No:
U DRA/424
22 Jan 1685
Executor Lady Jane Pile of Cillingborne Kingston, co. Wilts., until eldest son, William Strickland is 21, who shall then become executor (and other sons Walter, Thomas, Francis and Charles, in turn if predecessors die; and finally daughters Frances and Anne). Bequests to poor of Boynton, Carnaby, Fraisthorpe, Awburne, East Heslerton, Place Newton and Wintringham, Conisthorpe, Amunderby alias Amotherby, Swinton and Hessle; James Calvert; Susanna Penny; servants; Lady Jane Pile; sisters in law Lady Anne Holles and Mrs Jane Richards; sisters Mrs Frances Bourcheir, Lady Cochrann of Ogltree in Scotland; Mrs Milcah Lawson and Mrs Elizabeth St. Quintin. Witn. Matthew Oates, William Taylor. Probate 22 January 1684/5
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