File. Hull and District Trades Council (General)

Reference No:
U DSTC/2/13
Jul 1937-Dec 1938

File containing correspondence and circulars received by the secretary of the Hull and District Trades Council (Mar-Apr 1938) and copy correspondence sent out (Jul 1937-Dec 1938).

Contains references to the following: available publications; air raid precautions; National Council of Labour Colleges; Council Superannuation Scheme age limits; resignations from the Trades Council; affiliations to the Trades Council; Unemployment Assistance Board; Women's Weekend School; commercial electric baking lecture and demonstration; May Day events; delegates to the Trades Council; criticism of Atlee's leadership of the Labour Party; requests for support with seeking wage increases; annual conference of representatives of unions catering for women workers; Hull China Week; tuberculosis; expenses of the propeganda committee; Congress of Peace and Friendship in Hull re USSR; Basque Children; Timothy Whites & Taylors Ltd; Labur Women's Advisory Dance; health insurance; Flag Day; Spanish Medical Aid Committee; cinema advertising; fair wages clause; Labours Lunch Club; organisation of youth leaflets; TUC activities; Poor Children's Holiday Fund; Bower & Thorley Ltd; resolutions for consideration of the Trades Council; Hull Cinema Strike; workmen's compensation; Peace Pavilion Committee; Health Sport and Fitness exhibition in Hull; trade union directory; organisation of nurses; requests to supply the Trades Council with publications.

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1 file
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Hull University Archives
Records of the Hull and District Trades Council