Glasgow Branch Minutes

Reference No:
U DWA/2/6/3

This is not a complete run, but mainly covers 1949-1956 and 1979-1984. It contains material related to a number of different meetings including Annual Business Meeting, Committee Meetings and Ordinary Meetings. The meetings were held most weeks in a number of venues including Stella Maris, 69 Carlton Place, Glasgow, Standing Conference Club, Sauchiehall Street, YWCA Bath Street and other addresses in Glasgow.

Comprises mainly typed and handwritten material which includes details of fundraising activities, outings, news related to members, details of speakers, deaths of members, problems with installation of Sea Services window in Glasgow Cathedral, nominations to committee and details of meetings attended.

Archive Item
1 file
Access Conditions:
This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2060. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact
Hull University Archives
Records of The Watch Ashore