Volume lettered 'Kingston - upon - Hull Dock Acts', containing Acts

Reference No:
U DX227/9


(a) An Act for making and establishing publick Quays or Wharfs at Kingston upon Hull for the better securing of His Majesty's Revenues of Customs and for the Benefit of Commerce in the Port of Kingston upon Hull; for making a Bason or Dock with Reservoirs, Sluices, Roads, and other Works, and for the Accommodation of Vessels using the said Port; and for appropriating certain Lands belonging to His Majesty and for applying certain Sums of Money out of his Majesty's Customs of the said Port for these Purposes; and for establishing other necessary Regulations within the Town and Port of Kingston upon Hull. [14 George III c.56]. 1774 [As U DX227/7(e)]

(b) An Act for amending an Act, passed in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An Act for making and establishing publick quays of Wharfs at Kingston upon Hull, for the better securing his Majesty's Revenues of Customs, and for the Benefit of Commerce in the Port of Kingston upon Hull; for making a Bason or Dock, with Reservoirs, Sluices, Roads, and other Works, for the Accommodation of Vessels using the said Port; and for appropriating certain Lands belonging to his Majesty, and for applying certain Sums of Money out of his Majesty's Customs at the said Port, for those Purposes; and for establishing other necessary Regulations within the Town and Port of Kingston upon Hull; and also for making additional Basons or Docks at Kingston upon Hull, with an entrance into the same from the River Humber; and for granting certain Lands belonging to his Majesty, in aid of the said Works. [42 George III c.91]. 1802. [As U DX227/7(c)]

(c) An Act for raising a further Sum of Money for carrying into Execution an Act passed in the Forty - second Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for making additional Basons or Docks at Kingston - upon - Hull. [45 George III c.42]. 1805. [As U DX227/7(d)]

(d) An Act to amend so much of an Act of the Forty - second Year of His late Majesty, for making additional Basons or Docks at Kingston - upon - Hull, as relates to certain Lands belonging to His Majesty. [5 George IV c.52]. 1824

(e) An Act for making new Docks and other Works connected therewith, in addition to the present Docks, at Kingston - upon - Hull; and for amending the Acts relating to such last- mentioned Docks. [7 - 8 Victoria c.103]. 1844

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Hull University Archives
Local Acts of Parliament