File: Central Readers Board Examination Essays

Reference No:
U DX317/5/1

File contains 31 typescript essays written by Miriam Hebron and submitted to the Church of England's Central Readers Board for examination to be awarded the Archbishops' Diploma for Readers (A.Dip.R.). Also contains a 'Candidate's Record Sheet' completed for Dr Hebron, a worksheet with examination questions to be completed by candidates, and a certificate recording a pilgrimage made by Dr Hebron to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on 17 Aug 1969.

Essays with the following titles are present:

The Reality of Human Free Will.

Man 'Naked Ape' or 'Child of God'?

Has man fallen from Original Righteous or is he in transit towards Ultimate Perfection?

It is sometimes complained that preachers 'interfere' in politics. Comment on this complaint, with reference to the activities of the prophet Isaiah.

Discuss Augustines view on the relation between the Church and State.

Outline Pelagius' Teaching and explain why Augustine objected to it.

Examine the Spirituality of St Augustine.

Give some account of the history of painting in relation to worship.

How far should the taste of a particular generation, or the culture of a particular country, be reflected in its worship?

Outline the part which the singing of hymns and psalms has played in the history of worship. What is their value today?

Can sex for mere enjoyment, dressing up and making up to be sexually attractive, pornography and nudity be justified Christianly or otherwise?

Can St Augustine's dictum 'Love and do what you like' be a sufficient guide to conduct for Christians?

What part can coercion play in society? Can enforced behaviour ever be good behaviour?

How far does Luke's picture of Paul's teaching agree with that of Authentically Pauline epistles?

Analyse in a synopsis Luke's use of Mark and draw some conclusions about his theological emphases.

Summerise in your own words the themes of Romans 1-4. How do these apply to modern problems such as racialism, re-union of the churches etc?

Examine closely Paul's use of the OT in Romans?

How much can we know about the background to the Fourth Gospel and the situation in which it was written?

Was 1 John written by the evangelist?

How far is the typological use of OT material a valid one?

To what extent, and in what particulars, do you see the life and teaching of Jesus anticipated by Isaiah's message?

What is the contribution of Luke to the quest of the historical Jesus?

Give an account which you think might satisfy a modern 'sceptic' of what is meant by God 'raising up' prophets at certain times to give messages to his people.

Analyse critically Bultmann's existential interpretation of the Fourth Gospel.

It has been said that Christianity is just a refined system of moral perfection. Comment on this in the light of St Paul's teaching on the Law and Gospel, and indicate the relevance of modern needs.

Supplemental to essay 'It is sometimes complained that preachers 'interfere' in politics. Comment on this complaint, with reference to the activities of the prophet Isaiah'.

In what way is it possible to distinguish Old Testament theology from the history of the Israelite religion? Discuss the relative importance of the two disciplines [two answers to this question are present]

How did Christianity come to possess its Bible?

The problem of Heresy in the Early Church.

What evidence do you find in the New Testament concerning early Christian worship?

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Hull University Archives
Papers of Dr Miriam Ethel Hebron