File. General Papers

Reference No:
U DX367/8

Loose papers relating to British Soviet Friendship Society activities belonging to Mrs Pearl Lilley. Contains the following:

BSFS compliments slip;

BSFS membership fees envelope; BSFS membership renewal notice;

BSFS membership card; BSFS raffle tickets for a 'Grand Soviet Holiday', 1976;

Christmas card printed on behalf of the BSFS;

Programme re British Soviet Friendship Celebrations, St Pancras Town Hall, 5 May 1963;

Christmas card from Kenneth Mill;

Letter from Mrs R. Dessau to Mr Newbold declining an invitation to an event in Nottingham, 13 Feb 1964;

Colour map of the USSR published as a supplement to Moscow News, 1971;

Letter from Igor Mikhailusenko, International Correspondence Group, to Mr L. Bradshaw as chairman of the BSFS, 9 Nov 1974;

Song lyrics titled 'Moscow Suburb Nights' by M. Matusovsky;

Article titled 'En Routes of the Seven Year Plan' [for publication in a soviet journal?];

Message of thanks signed by [members of the Soviet State Theatre, Music and Cinema Research Institute?] following a visit to the UK, 1963;

Nottingham Communist Party membership card of G.T. Killen, 1961;

Bulletin of the WMA, Mar 1962;

Business card of Pearl Lilley, General Secretary of the BSFS;

BSFS membership card of Mrs Pearl Lilley expiring 31 May 1963;

Pamphlet titled 'Songs for Labour Gatherings', 1948;

Manuscript draft of a message to be sent to an MP asking him to protest against 'the atomic and hydrogen bomb explosions' in Parliament, [1945?].

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Hull University Archives
Records of Mrs Pearl Lilley as a Member of the British Soviet Friendship Society