Letter from Howard Sergeant to Roger Elkin

Reference No:
U DX404/1/47
19 Jun 1985
From Howard Sergeant to Roger Elkin; HS assures RE that his previous letter cause no offense, but did not need an urgent reply; HS busy with Outposts, Summer issue distributed, Autumn off to press, now working on Winter; HS thanks RE for information about the Leek Arts Festival's Poetry Competition's prizewinners though he already knew the first three prizewinners thanks to Lawrence Sail at a Secker & Warburg party; James CR Green, RE's co-editor at Prospice asked HS about writing a review with not enough time - frustrates HS as JCR Green kept HS waiting 8 months for the publication of 'Poets and Painters', no idea when it will appear; HS offers adjudication services for the next Leek Arts Festival Poetry Competition, Elizabeth Bartlett happy to share the reading; HS has been visiting schools due to them ordering subscriptions to Outposts; Eileen Elkin has upcoming degree exams, Sarah attained Grade 8 violin and a ballet commendation; HS writes that Jean and himself will be doing the course at Malham Tarn, fully booked; The Headland Press, Liverpool, is publishing HS's next book 'Fairground Familiars', it is sponsored by Merseyside Arts; HS's children Cherrill, Oriel, and Julian are well, Jean has recovered from last December's motoring accident.
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Letters from Howard Sergeant and Jean Sergeant to Roger Elkin