Copy. Will of Christopher Aske of Loundesburge esq.

Reference No:
U DX55/5
19 Jul 1538

To his brother John Aske esq. the manor of Clevyng and Clevyngfelde (which C.A. holds under the chapter seal of the house of St. John of Jerusalem in England) on condition he finds a priest to celebrate daily for 7 years in the church where C.A. shall be buried, for the souls of C.A. his parents, ancestors and benefactors, and particularly of Anthony Cliffords esq. Laurence Hamerton esq., Thomas Parke clerk and Thomas Langton late of Ricall esq. To Roger Hamerton, son of Thomas H., (immediately on death of Elizabeth Hamerton of Halifelde, widow of John H. esq) all goods, etc., in Halifeld Pele, and a gilded horn ('cornu deauratum') sometime of Laurence Hamerton. To Henry, Earl of Cumberland, a great book 'written by my own hand' on the forms of stag hunting ('de Ordinibus Servic' Venationis') and various other matters. To Lady Margaret, Countess of Cumberland, two falcons and his best greyhound called Olyver. To Lord Henry Clifford, a great book called 'Opus Gentile' which C.A. had of the gift of Brian Roclif esq., with an abridgemen ('abreviations') 'written by my own hand' To nephew Robert Aske, a gown of 'Luk' velvet with fur of 'Jennettes'. To brother John Aske, a gold crucifix worth over £8. To William Blakberne chaplain, vicar of Skipton, a horse called Grey Hodgeson. To sister Agnes Ellerker, a little chain of gold weighing 4 marks or more. To brother Monkton, 'and my sister his wif', and to sister Bellingham, a silver Apostle spoon each. To Lord Clifford, 20 marks which he owes C.A. for a horse. To nephews Thomas and Anthon Portington and Christopher Monkton, all things left in his chambers at Skipton Castle and Bolton. To cousin Brian Roclif 'the clothe of the great mappamundi that is the newe loge, and the French boke of Sir Percyvall'. To master vicar of Skipton any other boke not named, which he may choose from C.A.'s chamber at Skipton. To master Leveret, a sleeveless coat of black velvet. To nephew Christopher Aske, a bow and quiver 'with prike shaftes' at Aughton. To servants William Layton and Christopher Brianes, 'my patent of the landes of Fitzwilliam in Cargrave, to the here come at full edge'. To Richard Aske the warrener, a quarter of barley malt. To Friar Aske, a quarter of wheat. To the lord 'my master' a grey stoned horse; and to 'my good ladie Cumberland', a cloth of St. Eustace, in the new lodge, asking their forgiveness if ever he has displeased them. His accounts with his lord are even 'this xvi yere', except for Vessy landes, where he has laid out 100 marks out of his own purse for his lord's buildings there. To master parson of Londisburghe, a book called 'Expositio Brevienis in Epistolis Pauli'. To nephew Anthony Aske, C.A.'s own hand sword. 40d. each to Londesburghe, Estrope, Shapton, Wighton, Goodmanham and Burnbye for their poor. To niece Ask, 2 yds. of black satin; and 1yd. each to cousin Anne Woodall and niece Elizabeth. Prebate 26 June 1540.

Part Latin, part English

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Papers of the Aske family of Aughton