Draft minutes for the Hull Quarter Sessions and adjourned sessions



Admin History:
Quarter Session Courts were county courts held by the magistrates (also known as Justices of the Peace) from the 14th century four times a year at Epiphany (Jan-Mar), Easter (Apr-Jun), Midsummer (Jul-Sep) and Michaelmas (Oct-Dec). In Hull, it appears that the Midsummer Session was also known as the Thomas a Becket Session, after the month of his Feast of Translation (Jul). The work of these courts was varied. They dealt with criminal matters from petty theft to rape. Quarter sessions courts also dealt with administrative matters such as licensing. Many Poor Law cases found their way into the Quarter sessions Courts. More serious crimes were referred on to the assize courts where professional judges could handle them, rather than the Justices of the Peace.
Gives details such as the magistrates, Grand and Traverse Juries, bills, orders of court, respits (an agreed delay), felony recognisances, appeals, surveyors of highways, insolvent debtor discharges, removals and those held in custody as well as some case verdicts and bastardy recognisances.