Hull Quarter Session prisoner summary sheet

Reference No:
C CQS/4/22
26 Jun 1901

Prisoners : Albert Staniforth and Edward Murphy

Offence: 1st count on the 26 Jun 1901 burglariously breaking and entering the dwellinghouse of Allen Coverdale and stealing 6 boxes of Woodbine cigarettes, 2lbs of tobacco and 1lb of cheese of the goods and chattels of the said Alice Coverdale.

Witnesses: Alice Coverdale, William Henry Wheeldon, Thomas Barker, Detective Officer

Date of Offence: 26 Jun 1901

3rd count conviction, Albert Staniforth was convicted at Hull Sessions on 15 Jul 1897. 4th count, Edward Murphy was convicted at the last Hull Quarter Sessions

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Hull City Archives
Hull Quarter Session prisoner summary sheets