Minutes of the Hull Fishing Industry Association, wages, committee and annual general meetings
- Reference No:
- C DBBL/1/3/5
- Dates:
- Sep 1971-May 1973
- Description:
Minutes of the Negotiating Committee Representing St Andrew's Dock Engineering Employers and the Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipwrights, Locksmiths and Structural Workers, 1971-1972
Minutes of the Skippers and Mates Renumeration meeting, 1971-1973
Minutes of the Wet-Fish landing Mechanization Committee, 1972-1973
and others
- Format:
- Archive Item
- Extent:
- 1 volume
- Language:
- Access Conditions:
- Access will be granted to any accredited reader
- Repository:
- Hull City Archives
- Collection:
- Boyd Line Ltd., its various subsidiaries and associated companies