Downs Kidsons, Chartered Accountants



Admin History:

Alfred John Downs (1868-1955) was born in Hull and trained as a chartered accountant, becoming a partner with Hodgson, Harris and Co. before setting up his own company in 1913. He was initially based on Parliament Street but later moved to Beverley Road. Alfred was very active in the local territorial army brigade and at Beverley Golf Club. After his death, the company continued until the mid-1970s when it merged with Kidsons, which had been founded by Herbert Kidson in 1868. Known then as Downs Kidson and based on Percy Street in Hull, this became Kidson Impey in 1990 before various other changes and mergers in later years leading to the company today, HLB International.

Alfred’s brother, James Downs would become a director of the Hull engineering firm, Rose, Downs and Thompson.

Financial records