Records relating to Hebblethwaite & Son, Land Agents



C DBHT/1 Diaries 1883-1964

C DBHT/2 Letterbooks 1891-1945

C DBHT/3 Financial Records 1856-1977

C DBHT/4 Sale Books 1884-1944

C DBHT/5 Case Papers 1795-1935

C DBHT/6 Valuation Book 1858-1954

C DBHT/7 Miscellaneous Tracings 1750-1939

C DBHT/8 Farm Tracings 1870-1925

C DBHT/9 Lithographs 1802-1968

C DBHT/10 Building Plans 1892-1925

C DBHT/11 Farm Drainage Plan c.19th-20th cent.

C DBHT/12 Survey Plans 1797-1917

C DBHT/13 Ordnance Survey De-accessioned

C DBHT/14 Land Sales Records c.19th-20th cent.

C DBHT/15 Publications 1865-1979

C DBHT/16 Reference Books 1891-c.1910

C DBHT/17 Valuation Papers 1803-1903

C DBHT/18 Not used

C DBHT/19 General business records not related to a specific client 1838-1951

C DBHT/20 Papers relating to individual clients/estates 1849-1980

C DBHT/21 Group of papers relating to specific subjects 1772-1941

C DBHT/22 Papers relating to members of the Hebblethwaite family 1905-1971

C DBHT/23 The Building Department 1938-1971