Appointment and mortgage (indent)

Reference No:
C DBR/159
18 Feb 1818

Parties: (i) John Todd of Sculcoates, ironfounder

(ii) George Waddie of Sculcoates, mill wright

(iii) George Morley of Hull, bricklayer, trustee of (ii)

(iv) Sarah Steel of Hull

Considerations: £35 paid by (iv) to (i) at the request of (ii) and £5. 5s. 0d. paid by (ii) to (i)

Property: 224 sq. yds. on the east side of Gibson Street and the messuage built thereon by (ii)

To be held by (iv) for 1000 years subject to the proviso and then to the uses to be declared by (ii)

Proviso for redemption with interest at 5 percent

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Records of Rose Downs and Thompson Ltd., manufacturers of general engineering products, oil mill machinery and food processing equipment