Release (copies)

Reference No:
C DBR/383
11 Aug 1826

Parties: (i) Joseph Dibb of Sculcoates, gent.

(ii) Thomas Dibb of Thirtleby, farmer

(iii) Joseph Dibb of Hull, common brewer

(iv) Emanuel Dibb of Hull, common brewer

(v) Thomas White of Hull, grocer

Consideration: £1400 retained by (iii) to pay off mortgages and £300 retained by (iii) to be paid as specified

Conveyance by (i) - (iv) to (v)

Property: a messuage and brewery etc. in the north side of Mill Street, Myton occupied by (iii) and (iv)

The Talbot Inn in Scale Lane

The Sloop Tavern in Bishop Lane

A messuage in English Street, Myton garden land in Gibson Street, Sculcoates

To be held subject to mortgages of £500, £200, £300, £300 and £100 to the use of (iv) subject to a life annuity of £30 payable to (i)

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