Documents relating to the Terry family, Hull



Admin History:
Richard Terry (c.1740-1804) was a Hull shipowner,Evangelical Anglican and Methodist sympathiser who married Ann[e] Avison in the autumn of 1767. Ann's father was William Avison, organist at Holy Trinity, Hull (1720-1751) and her Uncle, Charles Avison, was organist of Newcastle Cathedral and a well known composer (1709-1770). One of Richard and Anne's sons was Avison Terry who served Hull twice as Mayor (1827 & 1829) and once as Sheriff (1813). He was also responsible for raising public subscription for the building of St. John's Church, Newland. Avison Terry had two brothers, John, who was in the family business and Edward, who joined the East India Company and ran up massive debts which his father had to pay off when he was killed in a shipwreck in the China Sea.
Including letters to the Terry family from Rev. James Stillingfleet, Rector of Hotham, letters from Elizabeth Avison to Avison Terry, letters from Ann Avison to the Dale and Collinson family and letters from Richard and Ann Terry to various recipients.