Book of Sermons written by Reverend Andrew Marvell
- Reference No:
- C DIAM/1
- Dates:
- c.1624-1640
- Description:
Small leather-bound paper volume titled 'SERMONS &C. OF THE REV. ANDREW MARVELL'. Contains manuscript sermons written by Reverend Andrew Marvell, father of the poet Andrew Marvell, notes concerning the disposal of revenues of Charterhouse Hospital, Hull, written by Rev Marvell, and other notes possibly written by Rev Marvell but more likely written by another.
Contains the following notes, writings and sermons in the order below:
i) Commentary in question and answer format each with a subject broken down into chapters, see 'Note A' below [hand 1];
ii) Latin commentary in 8 parts, the first of which is partial (4 sides) [hand 2];
iii) 'Historia de Vita et Gestis Jesu Christi' written in Latin [History of the Life and Deeds/Acts of Jesus Christ?] (203 sides), with list of references (4 sides) [hand 2];
iv) Page containing the following inscription: 'Mr Andrew Marvils advice about the Charter House Hospital in Hull & the disposing of its Revenues', note that this is written in the same hand as the inscriptions on the inside of the front board, the first page, and the contents list at the end of the book [hand 4];
v) Notes titled 'Things to be Considered about ye Hospitall called Gods-House, & the disposing of its revenues' (9 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
vi) 'Oro fratres ut charitas vestra magis ac magis abundet. Ad Phil.I.' (19 sides) [hand 5];
vii) Recipe for a plague treatment titled 'A Most Excellent Medicine against the Plague' (1 side) [?hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
viii) Sermon titled 'A Sermon on the Swearing a new Mayor at Hull Sancti Luca Eccles 8, 2' (9 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
ix) Sermon in two parts titled '2 Corinthians: 5, 17. A New-Yeare-Gift. Basiliopoli. Jani Casendis.' (22 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
x) Sermon titled 'Galatians: 6, 15. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision: but a new creature.' (22 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xi) Sermon titled 'Jeremiah: 4, 3. And sow not among thornes' (14 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xii) Sermon titled 'Galatians: 4, 22.', note that the title is in Greek and the text of the sermon is in English (16 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xiii) Sermon titled '2 Thes: 3, 14. And if any man obey not our word, by this epistle, note that man: & have no company wth him, that he may be ashamed' (13 sides) [hand 3
presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xiv) Page on which is written a line in [Greek?] with the date 1624 (1 side) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xv) Sermon titled 'Proverbs: 22, 3. A prudent man foreseeth ye evill &c' (40 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xvi) Sermon titled '[Greek letters for Galatians: 4,10. Ye observe dayes, months, and times, and years]', note that the title is in Greek and the text of the sermon is in English (10 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xvii) Sermon titled 'Galations: 5, 2, 23. [Greek letters for 'Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing' and 'Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law']', note that the title is in Greek and the text of the sermon is in English (18 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xviii) Partial sermon (5 sides) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xix) Page on which is a list as follows: 'Andrews; Kellet; Biblia Greea; Clavis Apoc; Comm do best Apoc; Daneus; [Zanctius?]; Councell Trent; Cyrill; Marty in Reg Sam Gen; Damasan' (1 side) [hand 3 presumed to be Marvell's hand];
xx) Commentary in question and answer format each with a subject broken down into chapters, see 'Note A' below [hand 1];
xxi) Contents page titled 'Vol 1st. 8v o', see 'Note B' below [hand 4].
Note A:
Commentary in question and answer format each with a subject broken down into chapters, in same hand - part at the beginning of the volume and part at the end of the volume with other material bound between the two, out of order.
First part at the front of the volume:
i) The nature of Christ's Kingdom, partial sermon [continuation of the sermon 'Of the Kingly Office of Xt'?], 7 sides, the first side is numbered '12' at the top of the page],
ii) 'Of the Priestly Office of Xt[Christ]', complete sermon (9 sides)
iii) 'Of the Church of Xt' discussing the visible and invisible church, partial sermon, note that only the beginnings of a discussion 'CHAP 1. Of the Visible Church' is present, the first side is numbered '13' at the top of the page (1 side)
Second part at the end of the volume:
i) Partial first chapter of a sermon [relating to immortality and death?], the second chapter of which is titled 'Wherein this way to Salvation consists', number '1' at the top of the page (4 sides)
ii) 'Of the Knowledge of God. CHAP.I. Of the Essence of God', some pages have number '2' written at the top (15 sides)
iii) 'CHAP. 2 Of the Will of God Revealed' [continuation of 'Of the Knowledge of God' (3 sides)
iv) 'OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST. And first of his Essence. CHAP.I. Of the Person of Christ' (67 sides)
vi) 'CHAP.I. Of the Commandements [word crossed through and replaced with Precepts] of Xt which he added to the Law' (29 sides)
vii) 'CHAP. 2. Of those Precepts of Xt delivered particularly by himself' (4 sides)
viii) 'CHAP. 3. Of the Lords Supper' (5 sides)
ix) 'CHAP. 4. Of the Baptisme of Water' (4 sides)
x) 'CHAP. 5. Of the promise of eternal life' (5 sides)
xi) 'CHAP. 6. Of the Promise of the Holy Ghost' (8 sides)
xii) 'CHAP. 7. Of the Confirmation of the Wil of God' (3 sides)
xiii) 'CHAP. 8. Of the Death of Xt' (17 sides)
xiv) 'CHAP. IX. Of Faith' (3 sides)
xv) 'CHAP. X. Of Free Will' (15 sides)
xvi) 'CHAP. XI. Of Justification' (4 sides)
xvii) 'Of the Kingly Office of Xt' (7 sides)
xviii) 'CHAP. 3. Of the Discipline of the Xh[Church] of Xt' (5 sides)
xix) 'CHAP. 4. Of the Invisible Church of Xt' [final chapter?] (3 sides)
Note B:
On the final pages is written a contents page of the book headed 'Vol 1st. 8vo.':
i) Anonymi
ii) Historia de vita et Gestis Jesu Chr. In sum mani Collecta cum Epistolis Agbavi ad Jesum et Jesu ad Agbavum Epistolag Lentuli ad Tiberum &c. a f 1 ad 105
iii) Mr Andrew Marvel Of the Things to be considered about the Charter House Hospital in Kingston upon Hull & the disposing of its Revenues a f 105 ad 112
iv) A Latin Sermon upon Phil 1st V 9 Oro fratres ut Charitas vestra magis ac magis abundet a f 112 ad [missing - 123?]
v) A Sermon upon Swearing a new Mayor at Hull (A 1636) On Eccl. Ch.8. v.2 I councel thee to keep the Kings comandment that in regard of the Oath of God a f 123 ad f 125
vi) A Sermon upon 2 Cor. Chap.5 v.17 therefore if any man be in Cha[end of word missing] he is a new Creature Old things are passed away and all things [bottom line illegible due to damage to the edge of the page]
vii) The 2d Part of the same sermon a fo. 199 ad 137
viii) A Sermon on Gal.6 v.15 For in Christ Jesus neither Cercumcision avaleth &c a fo. 133 ad 137
ix) A Sermon upon Mal. 1st v.8 Offer it now unto thy Governour will he be pleased with thee f 142 ad 148
x) A Sermon upon Jer. 74th v.3 And sow not among Thorns a f 148 ad 155
xi) A Sermon on Gal 4 v.22 For it ['is' missing] writen that Abraham had 2 sonns &c. a 155 ad 162
xii) A Sermon upon the 2d of Theselon[ending missing] Chap.3d v.14 If any Man obey not Our word have no company with him a f 162 ad 170
xiii) A Sermon upon Prov. 22 v.3D a pud[ent] man foreseeth ye Evil &c a f 170 ad [missing, 174?]
xiv) A Fragment of a Sermon or ditco of the Plague a f 174 ad 182
xv) A Sermon Gen. 49 v.18 I have waited for thy salvation O Lor['d' missing] a f 182 ad 199
xvi) A Sermon upon Gal. 4th v.10 Ye Observe Dayes and Months and times and years a f 197 ad 197
xvii) A Sermon upon Gal. 5 v.22 But the fruit of ye sperit is Love Joy &c a f 197 ad 202
xviii) Complaint against the perverse behaviour of some of the Inhabitants of Kingston upon Hull a f 207 ad 210
xix) An abominable Socinian Book of the Principals of ye Christian Religion in Question and Answer of w[hi]ch ye 1st sheet is wanting a f 210 ad 317 [part of which is at the front of the volume thus this item sandwiches i-xviii]
- Format:
- Archive Item
- Extent:
- 1 volume
- Language:
- English
- Access Conditions:
- This item is too fragile to be consulted
- Repository:
- Hull City Archives
- Collection:
- Records of Reverend Andrew Marvell