Gleanings from various sources by Robert Hague



Admin History:

Although it is not clear who Robert Hague was, it appears from the writings that he was a Hull man or resided in Hull during the second half of the nineteenth century.

Robert Hauge may have been a Customs officer at Hull, but was P.P.G.M of the Hull District of the National Independent Order of Oddfellows, and was one of the founders of the Good Intent Lodge in 1860. During his life took a great interest in the Friendly Society work and was a member of the Management Committee of the district. He died in early July 1909 and was buried in Hull's General Cemetery. This information is taken from a Hull Daily Mail reporting the death of Robert Hague on 6 July 1909.

A series of writings and facts gathered from various sources and written down by Robert Hague. These includes details of the Hull whaler, 'Diana' that was trapped in ice and wintered in Baffin Bay during and her subsequent return to Hull in 1867 (pp.30-32) and 'The song of the men of Hull' with reference to Edward I, Wilberforce and Marvell (pp.87-89). An index to the list of writings is available at the back of the volume.