Records relating to Owen Hellyer, 1881-1963



Admin History:
Owen Stooks Hellyer was born in Hull in 1881, the son of Charles Hellyer, the trawler owner and his wife, Sarah Hellyer, (nee Tyrer). Like his father, he was heavilly involved within the fishing industry and their own trawling company, Hellyer Brothers. In 1911 Owen marrried Frances Upham and in they 1930 purchased Bishop Burton Hall which would later be redeveloped as Bishop Burton College. Owen, who died in 1963, would go on to have 7 children, including a son, Richard.
Album of photographs; Sale tender and plans for Bishop Burton estate; Letters; Plaque presented to Owen Hellyer; Illuminated address to Owen Hellyer; Publication entitled 'Geni on the Line' by A. Wilkinson.