Records relating to the Lambert Family of Hull deposited by Miss Sheila Lambert



Admin History:
The depositor is the daughter of H. Ansley Lambert who was born in 1890 and worked for the family's grocery business. He kept diaries about his time in the 10th (service) Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment during the First World War. These diaries were the subject of a publication written by John Markham in 2009. H. Ansley Lambert died in 1961, a well respected businessman in Hull's old town. Miss. Lambert's great great great grandfather was the Rev. George Lambert, first pastor of Fish Street Congregational Church, Hull. He kept a journal (12 vols) from 1775-1816. These journals were the subject of a publication written by John Markham in 2008 (L. 920 LAM).Born in Chelse in Jan 1742, he came to Hull in 1769 and spent 47 years ministering here. He died in 1816. Primarily he kept these journals in order to record his religious life, his progress and his difficulties as well as the sermons he had preached and heard. However, his comments on subjects such as his family and life in general give a great insight into Hull's social history in the Georgian period.
Journals, diaries, church leaflets, photographs, business cards etc.