Souvenir Brochure

Reference No:
C DJC/1/22/3/1

Souvenir brochure relating to Bazaar in aid of the Hull Hebrew Board of Guardians and the Palestine Funds, to be held 21 Nov 1928-22 Nov 1928 in Albion Hall, Baker Street, Hull. Bazaar to be opened on the first day by Sir Wyndham Deedes and Chairman M.V. Gosschalk, and on the second day by Benno Pearlman as the Lord Mayor of Hull and Chairman Benn Franks. Typescript.


Advertisements for various local businesses; Programmes of first and second days with printed photographs of some of the Bazaar openers; Printed photograph of Dr Weizman, Chairman of the World Zionist Organisation; Photographs of honorary officers of various committees involved; Editorial by Lionel Rosen as the Editor with printed photograph, Message from Dr Selig Brodetsky as a member of the World's Zionist Executive; Messages from Captain L. Roger Lumley, H. Brent Grotrian, J.M. Kenworthy; Article titled 'The Romance of the Jewish National Fund'; Article titled 'The Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod)'; Article by a young lady Zionist titled 'What Zionism Means to Me'; Article by Sidney Levy titled 'The Hull Young Zionist Association'; List of stalls and stallholders with some printed photographs; Poem titled 'Esdreilon'; Article by Rabbi L. Miller titled 'The Zionist Position and Our Duty'; Article by Leslie Sackin titled 'Zionism and Religion'; Article by Rabbi L. Miller titled 'The Talmud Torah, Hull'; Article by Henry Brown titled 'A New World Force'; Recipes; Article by Joseph Bush titled 'The Hull Hebrew Board of Guardians'; Article by G.M. titled 'How I Became a Zionist'; Article by Mark Goulden titled 'The Duty of Benevolence'; Article by Miss B. Berkowitz titled 'The Jewish Woman as Communal Worker';


i) Agenda re meeting of Combined Aid Committee for Israel to be held on 19 Feb [?1928], on reverse of agenda is written 'Leslie Rosenberg. Arrangements for Stalls.' Typescript., n.d. c.1928 (1 piece)

Note: Photocopy present, soft-bound, paper, binding of glue

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Hull City Archives
Records of the Hull Jewish Community