
Reference No:
C DPF/1/160
22 Sep 1884

Ship No. 65199 Name.Gregory Letters & No.H652 Owner. A Mudge Skipper. John Johnson 2nd Hand. Joseph Wilkinson / H Darcy 3rd Hand. W Baxter / G Dickinson 4th Hand. A Reimiez / W Harvey / W Chafer / 5th Hand. Daniel Rearden

Apprentices on Board.

William Buxton - 3rd Hand

Memoranda by Skipper.

The alleged misconduct of W Rooks - Deck hand has been enquired into and no punishment has been inflicted , as the skipper himself was without doubt in a great measure to blame having given Rooks a good deal of provocation. On 14 June Deck Hand W Rooks using inflamed language , taking hold of me and causing me to fall and hurt my ribs because I tried to get him out of the cabin, would not go when told to not able to do my duty through it.

On 8 August night when getting the gear in because the wind dropped , cursed and abused me shamefully afterwards third hand Dickinson came in and abused me also calling me an old B. August 15 W Rooks Deck Hand swore and abused me shamefully because I spoke to him about his close he having scarcely any when he came to sea told me they would come off but never did . When I spoke to him he had a broom in his hand called me an idle B. and said I could not jump over it holding it 2 feet from deck tried to take it away he grabbed hold of me and second hand had to steer him away , his abuse has been shamefully the whole time we have been out.

August 28 1884 vessel had not been ? for 24 hours being calm on the morning of 28 the second hand told him to do this . He cursed and swore at him fearful and gave him a lot of cheek . It was going to stop 2 or 3 days longer but when I spoke to him he started at me also so I had to bring the vessel home afraid that he would do something either to the crew or the vessel as he had threatened. I dare not speak to him for fear of his abuse. As this is the only remedy we have I have entered it in this log book. I declare this to be correct and true . I am a man 59 years of age been skipper over 30 years never was abused in my life , signed skipper John Johnston and witness second hand W D Darcey. August 15 1884. Also threatened if left on deck in day time at all to turn into some vessel or another.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns