
Reference No:
C DPF/11/258
16 Jul 1894

Ship No. 98769 Name. Marrs Letter & No.H172 Owner. Joseph Marr Skipper. John Thomas Matlock 2nd Hand. J F Cant Bswn. W C Gallant 3rd Hand. W J Sparkes 4th Hand. J H Jackson

Record of Death or Injury.

28/2/94 about 3.30am North Sea. W J Sparkes 3rd hand. Drowned, supposed whilst shooting gear. Owing to his standing on the fore side of it and the snapping of a bolt which made fast a block, through which the warp parted.

Record of Casualty.

28/2/94 ( see above) Loss of life buoy & a bolt broken. The life buoy was thrown to W J Sparkes & not recovered.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns