
Reference No:
C DPF/12/110
22 Jul 1895

Ship No. 95842 Name. Ceylon Letter & No.H103 Owner. Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd Skipper. Frederick Evans 2nd Hand. H J Marwood Bswn. J W Hewitt 3rd Hand. G Bartlett 4th Hand. A Bartlett

Record of Death or Injury.

29th March drowned in the North Sea. W Mudford 4th Hand. Supposed to have committed suicide by drowning. Last seen between 10.30 & 11pm by the 2nd hand who sent him forward , he being on watch with him.

Record of Casualty.

May 28th North Sea. Collision with smack Three Sisters. 11/7/95. North Sea. Collsiion with the steam trawler Jersey of Hull.

The collision is documented in greater detail, in the Memoranda by Skipper section found on page 10 of the agreement.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns