
Reference No:
C DPF/12/633
22 Jul 1895

Ship No. 88150 Name. Iolanthe Letter & No.H1370 Owner. Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. F Taylor / A Dean 2nd Hand. G Harding 3rd Hand. August Redepenny 4th Hand. T Russell

Record of Death or Injury.

21 January 1895 North sea 9.30am. John Kitchen, deck hand. Drowned , lurching of the vessel caused him to over balance himself. This accident is also documented in greater detail, on page 10 the Official Log.

Record of Casualty.

20/2/95 North Sea. Collision with the Roseberry causing him to sink in 10 minutes. The crew of the Roseberry jumped on board our vessel.

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

1/4/95 on or about. North Sea. Name of person punished - George Forward, 4th hand by F Taylor,skipper. For using bad language toward the cook , & failing to desist when cautioned. Struck him a blow in the face with the flat hand.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns