Young Emma

Reference No:
C DPF/13/457
28 Sep 1896

Ship No.75368 Name. Young Emma Letter & No.H1063 Owner. W C Edwards Skipper. Charles Gerard West 2nd Hand. A Wingfield 3rd Hand. Alfred Curtis 4th Hand. H Chamberlain

Official Log.

On the 10th June 1896 James Capes our 2nd hand was sent to London in steam cutter. He was placed on board the Queen Victoria in the Red Cross Fleet on June 8th 1896 and was stated to be suffering from dropsy & heart disease. We left the Red Cross Fishing Fleet for the Great Northern on the 9th June & were afterwards informed by the Skipper of the Grimsby smack who had spoken to the Queen Victoria that Caopes had been sent in as stated above. Subsequently I heard that he had died at the london Hospital. James Capes the 2nd hand referred to above was admitted to the London Hospital Whitechapel Rd on the 15th June, suffering from Morbus Cordis & I have been informed by the House Governor of that institution that he died there on the 27th of the same month.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns