
Reference No:
C DPF/13/99
25 Jan 1896

Ship No. 98714 Name. Majestic Letter & No.H120 Owner. Kelsall Bros. Skipper. A Burley / W H Fletcher 2nd Hand. J Caskin Bswn. W Johnston 4th Hand. J Ellis

Record of Death or Injury.

24/8/95 B Myers, extra hand. At 5 am the master on entering the cabin of the deceased found that he had fallen out of his berth and was lying on his face dead.

Memoranda by Skipper.

I hereby state we left Liverpool 21st having onboard a gentleman visitor appearing to be in good health. Up til the 23rd, from 11pm to 3am he was mad with delerium tremors and at midnight attempted to jump overboard. He was secured and placed in his cabin, he was last seen alive in his berth by the engineer at 3am on the 24th. I reported the death of B Myers to the Superintendent at Nayland on the 25th August who attended the inquest and he told me to make an entry on page 10. Myers was not really a member of the crew and I did not therefore report his engagementin August. His clothes & other belongings where handed over to the police at Nayland.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns