Storm Cock

Reference No:
C DPF/17/272
10 Feb 1900

Ship No. 99586 Name. Storm Cock Letter & No. H207 Owner. H A L Russell for Pickering & Haldane Co.Ltd Skipper. Albert Edward Batty / J T Mortlock / W Newby 2nd Hand. J W Taylor Bswn. A Kincade 3rd Hand. C Hall 4th Hand. J T Ripley

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

20/9/99 7.20am North Sea. J T Mortlock struck A Kincade on the side of the face For answering back, and swearing at me for finding fault with him for not looking after the side lights one of which ( starboard ) I found to be out

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns