
Reference No:
C DPF/18/684
11 Jul 1901

Ship No. 113571 Name. Pointer Letter & No. H513 Owner. R H Hobbs manager The Humber Steam Trawling Co.Ltd Skipper. Klaus K Poulsen / E Johnson 2nd Hand. J Garner Bswn. T Chalk 3rd Hand. J R Syrett 4th Hand. J Scott

Official Log.

Owing to his showing signs of illness ( W Rome )on our voyage from Hull to the fishing ground off Iceland. I decided to put into Reykjavik. A Medical man came off to us deeming it necessary and having stated the man was suffering from Cholera Nostras, we landed him on the 17th June & he was admitted to the hospital there for treatment. We had to remain in harbour for some hours owing to stess of weather, during this time the mans brother Charles Rome another spare hand also sickened & was likewise removed to hospital the next day.

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