
Reference No:
C DPF/2/167
18 May 1885

Ship No.68237 Name. Excelsior Letters & No.H764 Owner.Jasper Collier Skipper. Alfred James Stowe 2nd Hand. Frank Mollitt 3rd Hand. T J Goddard 4th Hand. William Predgen 5th Hand. Albert Blythe

Record of Casualty.

November 24 1884 North Sea. Damaged stern. Lost fishing gear. Collision. Cut away gear to save ship.

29 November 1884 7pm on the Lincolnshire Coast about 25 miles from Spurn. We were making for land when the wind dropped and we were stranded on the sand bank close in shore. One foot of water in the hold we abandoned the vessel. The next day when the tide rose it floated and was driven up river & went ashore off Patrington on the Yorkshire coast, and was towed into Grimsby by the tug Humber. Crew were picked up by the Ketch Eva of London and landed safely at Hull.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns