
Reference No:
C DPF/2/438
20 Jul 1885

Ship No. 77513 Name. Diogenes Letters & No.H1121 Owner. Richard Simpson Skipper. Matthew Pettman 2nd Hand. J Colman 3rd Hand. H Weatherhead

Apprentices on Board.

George Gibson - Deck Hand W Roberts - Cook F Newton - 3rd Hand H Bentley - Cook

Record of Casualty.

May 23rd 6 am off the silt in the North Sea Spurn bearing W 280 miles. Lost 4 or 5 baskets of fish & a few other things that were lying on the deck were washed overboard. F Richardson the Deck Hand was also washed overboard but we managed to launch the boat and thereby saved him. He being very little the worse for his emersion. Shipped a heavy sea.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns