
Reference No:
C DPF/20/8
4 Aug 1903

Ship No. 110689 Name. Boadicea Letter & No. H17 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. W R Barkworth / C Grosneck / T Griffin / J Brady 2nd Hand. G Lee Bswn. A F Evans 3rd Hand. J H Royal 4th Hand. J Reed

Official Log. I W R Barkworth state that Schmidt was totally incapable of performing his duty as cook, the capacity in which he shipped in my vessel. We left Hull 3rd January 1903 & when clear of the dock Schmidt asked me what he had to get ready for dinner. I told him roats beef, potatoes & stuff. When dinner time came I found that he had completely spoilt the whole of the food & from this time the remainder of the deck hands had to take it in turns to cook the food during the remains of the voyage.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns