
Reference No:
C DPF/21/19
14 Mar 1904

Ship No. 110694 Name. Fulmar Letter & No. H25 Owner. H Russell Skipper. James Spours / G W Leighton 2nd Hand. C Lindsay Bswn. William McClane 3rd Hand. Arthur Wingfield 4th Hand. A Glenton

Record of Death or Injury.

March 24th George William Roberts, 3rd hand. On arriving at Westman Isles ( Iceland ) we put in for bad weather and got the anchor & 15 fathoms of cable on the end of our wire warp and lowered it down until the shackles got fast in the score, then it jumped out of the score forcing Roberts against the rail, finally lifting him overboard & drowning him.


After full & formal enquiry I herebyy certify that the death of G W Roberts 3rd hand was in my opinion in accordance with the circumstances reported herein on page 15 and therefore that such report is correct & true.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns