
Reference No:
C DPF/22/238
20 Feb 1905

Ship No. 99595 Name. Montreal Letter & No. H211 Owner. Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. B Knowles 2nd Hand. C Hallett Bswn. F Horsley 3rd Hand. J Burtenshaw 4th Hand. T Moore

Record of Casualty.

21/12/04 Tunstall. Vessel grounded, but was got off without assistance about 6 and a half hours later. No damage to vessel.

Official Log.

Whilst heaving our fishing gear on the morning of the 6th of January 1905 we brought up in our trawl the fully dressed body of a seaman. Which about half an hour later we ascertained to be that of the deck hand ( S Hilton ) of the steam trawler Bombay which was engaged in fishing with the same fleet. The skipper informed me that the man had jumped overboard ( suicide) at 6.30 that same morning. The body was therefore at once transferred to the Bombay.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns