Good Hope

Reference No:
C DPF/23/747
9 Aug 1906

Ship No. 116128 Name. Good Hope Letter & No. H722 Owner. E B Cargill Skipper. William McFee 2nd Hand. G W Taylor Bswn. J R Fullerton 3rd Hand. R Payne 4th Hand. E Nicholson

Record of Death or Injury.

26/1/06 7.30am Iceland waters. E Nicholson 4th hand. Washed overboard & drowned.


I certify that after enquiry I am satisfied that the loss of E Nicholson 4th hand was in accordance with the circumstances reported on page 15 hereof.

Record of Casualty.

11/2/06. Serious damage to our stern.The ST Saxon of Hull ran into us, whilst we were at anchor.

Official Log. April 22nd. Left Snowden Graham cook, at Westman islands suffering from Erysipelas.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns