Golden Hope

Reference No:
C DPF/24/111
16 Jul 1907

Ship No. 98728 Name. Golden Hope Letter & No. H131 Owner. W R Leyman Skipper. Edwin Cawood 2nd Hand. H Huntley Bswn. J Silvester 3rd Hand. T Crisp 4th Hand. W Rhoades

Record of Death or Injury.

18/2/92 North Sea. Samuel Jackson deck hand. Injury to head, split by winch handle. Our steam winch had broken & in consequence we were heaving our gear by hand. When in the act of slacking the winch back, the handle flew back striking him on the head.

Record of Casualty.

18/2/92 North Sea. Broke our steam winch, caused by sea rising alongside whilst we were heaving our gear.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns