
Reference No:
C DPF/24/261
13 Sep 1907

Ship No. 105038 Name. Portia Letter & No. H280 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. Joseph Lowrey / Lowry / T Penman / C Smith 2nd Hand. R Gordon Bswn. O Hanson 3rd Hand. T Williams 4th Hand. F W Barton

Record of Death or Injury.

12/5/1907 at sea. J Nesbitt 3rd hand. Fore bollard gave way, warp struck him severely, bruised head,sides & leg.

Record of Casualty.

12/5/1907 at sea. Fore bollard gave way, bolts in the bollard broke.

Official Log.

At about 2am on Monday morning 29th April 1907 when brought up in the Humber in White Booth Roads, a Duster boat was alongside of us & the owners of the Duster boat were down our cabin. The 3rd hand and deck hand were on the deck. When the mate came on deck the duster boat had gone and the 3rd hand & deck hand were not to be found. We also found their clothes had gone. The 3rd hands name is W Warman and the deck hand J Lewis. When the tide made again about 9.30am 29 April 1907 we sighted the Duster boast & eventually picked same up. Hull 29th April 1907.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns