
Reference No:
C DPF/24/272
26 Jul 1907

Ship No. 105055 Name. Wales Letter & No. H289 Owner. Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. J Stonehouse 2nd Hand. J Crossland Bswn. P OConnor 3rd Hand. W Fry 4th Hand. J Maunder

Record of Death or Injury.

8/6/07 at sea. H E Stead, 2nd engineer. Right hand injured with winch ( trapped ).

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

April 11th J E Hall boatswain punished by skipper J Stonehouse. 3 times asleep on watch 30/3/07, 5/4/07, 9/4/07. Refused duty on April 11th. Struck him & put him on bread & water for 8 days.

Official Log.

I certify that no penalty has been inflicted on J E Hall, boatswain, under the regulations for maintaining discipline for either of the offences referred to on page 15, nor has action been taken against him for refusal of duty on the 11th April. The man having waived his claim to receive pay beyound that - the last day on which he worked.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns